Will Car Insurance Cover a Blown Engine? The Lowdown.

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When your car’s engine suddenly sputters to a halt, leaving you stranded on the side of the road, panic sets in. You may wonder, Will car insurance cover a blown engine?

This article will delve into the intricacies of car insurance and provide you with valuable insights on whether you can rely on your policy to foot the bill for a damaged engine.

Key Takeaway:

If you’re wondering whether car insurance will cover a blown engine, the answer hinges on your specific policy.

Comprehensive coverage is your best bet for engine damage, but it’s crucial to understand policy exclusions, the age and mileage of your car, and the importance of regular maintenance.

In case of engine failure, promptly contact your insurer, provide necessary documentation, and obtain repair estimates to navigate the claims process effectively.

Prevention through maintenance remains essential, as insurance may not cover engine issues resulting from neglect.

Will Car Insurance Cover a Blown Engine?

Understanding the Basics: Car Insurance 101.

What is a Blown Engine?

To comprehend whether your car insurance covers a blown engine, let’s first clarify what a “blown engine” means.

car engine

A blown engine usually refers to severe internal damage or mechanical failure within the engine that renders it inoperable.

Types of Car Insurance

Before delving into coverage specifics, it’s essential to understand the different types of car insurance available.

The most common types are liability, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

Does Your Policy Cover It?

Comprehensive Coverage: Your Engine’s Best Friend.

If you’re looking for coverage for a blown engine, comprehensive insurance is your best bet.

This coverage typically includes damage caused by events other than collisions, such as fires, vandalism, and, yes, engine failures.

Collision Coverage

While collision coverage primarily focuses on accidents involving other vehicles or objects, some policies might extend to engine damage caused by accidents.

However, this varies by insurer and policy terms.

Mechanical Breakdown Insurance

Some insurers offer mechanical breakdown insurance as an optional add-on.

This coverage specifically caters to engine and mechanical failures, providing peace of mind to drivers concerned about such issues.

Factors to Consider

mechanic repair blown engine

Policy Exclusions

Always scrutinize your insurance policy for any exclusions related to engine damage. Some policies might exclude certain types of engine failures or limit coverage in specific scenarios.

Age and Mileage

The age and mileage of your car can affect coverage. Older cars with high mileage may have limited coverage for engine issues, as they are more prone to wear and tear.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining your car according to the manufacturer’s recommendations can influence coverage. Neglecting maintenance may lead to claim denials.

Making a Claim

Contact Your Insurer

If your engine fails, the first step is to contact your insurance company promptly.

They will guide you through the claims process and determine whether your situation qualifies for coverage.

Provide Documentation

Be prepared to provide documentation, such as photos of the damaged engine and maintenance records, to support your claim.

Repair Estimates

Obtain repair estimates from reputable mechanics. Your insurer may require these to assess the cost of repairs.

The Verdict

It Depends on Your Policy

In the end, whether car insurance covers a blown engine depends on your specific policy.

Comprehensive coverage is your best safeguard against engine damage, but always read the fine print and consult your insurer.

Prevention is Key

While insurance can provide financial relief, preventing engine issues through regular maintenance and careful driving remains the best approach.

Common Myths About Engine Coverage Debunked

Let’s address some misconceptions that might have clouded your understanding of engine-related insurance claims.

Myth Buster #1: Comprehensive Coverage Solves Everything

Comprehensive coverage is indeed a powerful ally, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. You need to know the extent of its coverage for engine-related issues.

Myth Buster #2: New Cars Are Invincible

Even brand-new cars can fall victim to engine problems. The warranty and insurance might help, but the specifics of the engine failure dictate your coverage.

FAQs About Engine Coverage

Can I purchase insurance specifically for engine damage?

Some insurers offer mechanical breakdown insurance as an add-on to your policy, specifically covering engine and mechanical failures.

Will my policy cover a blown engine caused by poor maintenance?

If poor maintenance is the cause of your engine failure, your claim may be denied. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure coverage.

Are older cars more likely to be denied coverage for engine damage?

Older cars with high mileage may have limited coverage for engine issues due to their increased wear and tear.

Can I switch to comprehensive coverage after my engine has blown?

You typically cannot switch to comprehensive coverage after an incident has occurred. It’s essential to have comprehensive coverage in place before such events.

How can I find the best insurance for engine coverage?

To find the best insurance for engine coverage, compare policies from different insurers and carefully review their terms and coverage options.

In this article, we’ve explored the question of whether car insurance will cover a blown engine.

It’s essential to understand your specific policy and coverage options, as well as to prioritize regular maintenance to prevent engine issues in the first place.

If you find yourself facing a blown engine, contact your insurance company promptly and follow their guidance to initiate the claims process.


In the world of car insurance, the coverage of a blown engine hinges on your policy and the circumstances surrounding the damage.

Stay informed, maintain your vehicle diligently, and consult your insurer for guidance when needed.

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